6 months ago
My Husband's side chick got him Arrested

We’ve been married for 3 years, I trusted my husband and I let him have his space. I believe whatever he says, he hangs out with the boys, come late sometimes and I never had issues with him even though sometimes I know something was off. It was easier and more peaceful for me to trust him.

However, I got a call from him behind bars that I should come bail him out yesterday. I was worried and I hurried down as soon as I can but on getting to the police station, I learnt it was his side chick that got him arrested.

From the little the police men told me, he went to her place after work yesterday and they got into an argument for reasons I don’t know and he slapped her. She locked him in and called the police on him.

I was so ashamed yesterday, see the pitiful look on the police faces, one of them even made the comment “his wife is even prettier than the girl”. My husband couldn’t look me in the eyes. It was dead silence all through our drive to the house and he keeps saying I am sorry.

I don’t know what he is sorry for, for making me come bail him from the police station or for cheating on me with the girl that got him arrested?

I haven’t said a word to him since, but I went through his phone now and found texts from him to the said lady apologising to her and swearing with his life that he will never hit her again.

I have been crying, I am ashamed to even tell my mom, that’s why I am bringing it here, please guys advise me what should I do?


2 Responses

  1. Your husband hit his side chick ke ?

    Please dear, tell us what’s really happening, you seems to be hiding a lot.

    If your husband can hit his side chick, that means he must have been hitting you or have I’m the past hit you.

    I really don’t know what to say, but in all please consider your own happiness.

  2. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. It’s completely understandable to feel ashamed and hurt by what’s happened, but please know that you deserve support and guidance during this difficult time.

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