Hi Eucarl,
My girlfriend and I are in the same university and the same hostel. Since the start of the semester, she has been sleeping over in my “two in a room”. She’s literally my roommate. Because she sleeps at my place, her roommate has also brought another girl to occupy her bed. Yesterday, we had a major argument. This is how it all happened. There is an isolation centre in our school where she usually goes to study. One time, she had a group work with her teammate, and they met in that isolation room. She asked me to come and help her team with the teamwork. When I got there, she was hostile towards me and did not make me see the need to be there. So, I got ang*y and left her alone at the place. She texted me complaining and attacking me. She even said she is considering sleeping there. I replied, “Have a goodnight then” to that. I woke up the following day and saw her lying on the bare floor in my room. Apparently, she slept in a chair outside in the student lobby. She is ang*y at me and wants a breakup. Was I wrong?