6 months ago
My boyfriend has never posted me on his social

Hey, please I need advice. My boyfriend of two years has never posted me on his social media particularly his WhatsApp status, at first he said he likes keeping his relationship private which I kinda understood but he always posts his female friends.

Lately, it got worst, he posts pictures of different girls on his status and when I confront him he will say they are just his friends. If you could post random pictures of different girls you call friends, why not post mine, as your girlfriend?

Yesterday he posted one of the girls again, wishing her a happy birthday. The caption was sweet, it’s not the first time posting this particular girl, I ignored since it’s her birthday but then I woke up this morning and saw that he has changed his profile picture to the girls picture.

How will you call yourself my boyfriend but kept posting other girls and never for once posted mine up to the point of changing your profile picture to that of another girl, and she is not your sister.

I called and confronted him and he said I am over reacting and ended the call. I called back but he refused to answer. Please, would you call this an overreaction ?

Is he really keeping the relationship private or is he hiding me? Or am I the side chick ?


One Response

  1. I don’t know your character or personality but I will tell you this, you should only invest your time into someone not because of how much you love them but based on how much they have invested in you….. Why don’t you do the same thing he is doing, there are two outcomes, if he complains or acts jealous he might be telling the truth, and they don’t mean much to him but if he doesn’t show any concern my sister just know that you are dating yourself 😒

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