There’s this lady in my compound, she lives alone and should be in her late 20s . I’m staying alone too but my girlfriend comes around once once. This lady and I are not on speaking terms, we just share pleasantries. One day she came to me to ask for a loan of 50k to handle an emergency promising to pay back the following week. She also added I give her my account and phone number so she would send it and alert me when it’s done. That same evening she came for the money she started texting me on WhatsApp, Her first message was “thanks for coming through for me Hun”
The next day she sent me a photo of herself half n@ked, after she saw i viewed it she quickly deleted and said it was a mistake, she continued texting just normal texts but always used words like Hun, boo, dear, babes etc
The week passed and she didn’t mention my money. Instead she sent her n*de again and deleted it after i viewed.. i didn’t say anything
In the fourth week, I asked her about my money she said she would give me the following week. A day after that she brought food saying she prepared something and wanted to share it with me. I didn’t even eat it
Next evening, she came knocking on my door around 9pm. No one was outside, she said she wanted me to help her with something on her phone, as I took the phone to find out the problem, she said mosquitoes were biting her so she wanted to come inside and I let her. She immediately made s*xual advances towards me and I shut it down and sent her away. Since then she has been flooding my DM with her n*des and professing her love towards me.
It’s been over 4 months and she’s yet to pay my money, could it be she likes me for real or she just wants s*x as the means of payment?
I’m not interested in her so I won’t reciprocate her advances. What do I do about her? Cuz I really need my money back
3 Responses
It’s obviously she doesn’t have any intention of paying back.
She wants to knack and don’t want to pay. Collect your money 💰 by any means necessary
Hmmm it’s looks lyk she doesn’t want to pay back the money oooooo and if u finally sleep with her then that’s all…. Just let the money go if you can.