6 months ago
I'm in love with my pastor

I am in love with my pastor. He is my spec. I drool sometimes thinking about him. You will find me in church as earlier as I know he will be in church and every other week day services. Most times I go for counselling just to talk to him, not like I need the counselling.

I am in love with him but not s*xually, atleast not yet. He is married with kids, I adore his wife, I mean she is the luckiest woman on earth as far as I am concerned.

I haven’t said this to anyone, but it’s starting to mess with my head, am using his as a yardstick for men.

I don’t go to church for worship, I go to church to see him. Since this feeling developed, I haven’t learnt anything new in church…. I just stare as he preach and I smile all through not paying attention to anything he is saying.

I think I should change church.


2 Responses

  1. It is women like you that give other women bad rep, you are part of the problem we are facing in Nigeria…. When good men come, it is women like you that will yeye them but dont worry …. That pastor that you are drooling for, that has sweep you off your feet you will marry him o when you clock 54, aunty ode…. From staring to the pastor face it will be pray to God for a husband

  2. You are not helping yourself by staying in that church.
    He is married hence should not be in your focal point.

    What is the attraction all about?
    The grass will always appear greener on the other side till you cross over. Learn to cultivate and water yours.

    Hopefully there is something in your subconscious holding you back.
    Stop thinking, change your place of worship.

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