Hello there.. I’m 36 and i’m in love with my distance cousin. Well, she is 19 but so mature for her age. She’s beautiful, intelligent and well spoken. The problem is we aren’t muslims and it isn’t allowed in our culture. But d**n! How I love this gal. We are both Cancer (same birth day) and everything I feel, she feels. Its surreal and so palpable , these feelings. She is jealous and protective of me from her friends and acquaintances. I know she love love me too.
When we talk over the phone, we talk for hours.. We confide and emotionally support each other. We got Sweet nicks and pet names for ourselves and say “I love you” always . sometimes in a platonic way but other times, romantic undertones. It seems we are soulmates and yet of the same bloodline.
I want to risk it all for her, but for the age gap and “culture”. Please these are my confessions. Wheew! It feels good to tell it.
what do i do? I got just one life to live.
2 Responses
First off, the age difference is much! Seventeen years difference, almost double her current age. Your thought process will likely not be the same as hers. She is too young for you and she is your relative.
You do not love her, it is purely lust and I will plead with you to find out ways to overcome this lust.
1. Stop all forms of communication with her for about two months and see if you still feel the same way.
2. Conduct a deep self reflection and answer the question “why”.
3. I know you have lots of her pictures or of moments spent together, can you also avoid viewing them for some time too?
Finally, apply wisdom in whatever action you decide to take henceforth.
I know love is an uncontrollable feeling but you have to let go of the lust and incest.
Remember she’s family. Cut every means of communication with her, set boundaries and be disciplined.
Don’t act on your thoughts control them.❤️+💡