7 months ago

I have been depressed for the most part of my life and I’m still depressed. What can I do to change things for myself?


4 Responses

  1. Sorry about that experience, Depression can drain your energy, leaving you feeling empty and fatigued….it’s a silent k**la

    I created a routine to battle my depression some time last year and it did wonders for me.👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

    • Stay in touch. Don’t withdraw from friends and family… Having your alone time is great but not when you notice early signs of depression

    • Be more active. Take up some form of exercise hit the gym, partake in early morning jogs or a stroll

    Face your fears. Don’t avoid the things you find difficult… Do the opposite of what the ‘depression voice’ is telling you

    •Find your niche; Music helped a lot, you can also listen to spiritual podcast it perform wonders believe me

    In all just know you are not alone, Know that today isn’t indicative of tomorrow. Stay Happy Stay Blessed.

    One friend of mine once told me “eat and sleep well at night, cos what’s is troubling your mind would still be there in the morning” its an endless battle but you can win. Everything Good will come ❤️+💡

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